Internal error: Could not open included file “%s.” Make sure it is in the PPDs folder. Internal error: Font name from printer too long. Internal error: Bad state when called. Internal error: Data structures are damaged. Internal error: Badly constructed FOND file. Internal error: Buffer for font name toosmall. Internal error: Bad font id supplied. Internal error: Record in dictionary file too big. Internal error: PM contains bad dict version Internal error: Dictionary is wrong version. Internal error: Dictionary file contained bad information. Internal error: Invalid dictionary filename supplied. Internal error: PSHF services called incorrectly. Internal error: No translation for message. Internal error: Error reading file. Internal error: Too small buff given to PPDF_GetVal(). Internal error: Bad key given to PPDF_GetVal(). Internal error: Bad Printer Description, file “%s,” line %d. Internal error: Failed to find specified PPD file “%s.” Make sure it is in the PPDs folder. Internal error: PPD procs called in wrong order. Internal error: Error occurred emitting object. Internal error: EndJob proc encountered error. Internal error: EndJob proc called incorrectly. Internal error: EndPage proc encountered error. Internal error: EndPage proc called incorrectly. Internal error: BegPage proc encountered error. Internal error: BegPage proc called incorrectly. Internal error: BegJob proc encountered error. Internal error: Emit procs called in wrong order. Internal error: EmitObj proc called incorrectly. Internal error: EndJob proc encountered spool error. Internal error: EndJob proc encountered error. Internal error: EndJob proc called incorrectly. Internal error: EndPage proc encounterederror. Internal error: EndPage proc called incorrectly. Internal error: BegPage proc encounterederror. Internal error: BegPage proc called incorrectly. Internal error: BegJob proc encountered error. Internal error: Emit procs called in wrong order. Internal error: not enough memory.